- 日本語
- リンク(4985d) [ 草野球チーム ]
- 対戦成績/2005(2765d) [ This is a most useful coturibtnion to the debate http://lbvedru.com [url=http://kytcsn.com]kytcsn[/url] [link=http://cvhyuzjjdx.com]cvhyuzjjdx[/link]This is a most useful coturibtnion to the debate http://lbvedru.com [url=http://kytcsn.com]kytcsn[/url] [l ]
- 対戦成績/2006(2766d) [ Just got back from a vacation in Nha Trang and Saigon, saw one cockfight- lots of uncles were into raising the birds. They did not use blades, natural only and the fights did not end in death. Still a bit despisreng.Just got back from a vacation in Nha Tr ]